Other Websites
Here are some sites that we've learned about that are of interest to veterans. Listing them here does not imply any endorsement by Post 501. Do let us know what additional sites you think would be of interest to others.
The Highground (shown above), located four miles west of Neillsville, started as the Wisconsin Vietnam Veterans Memorial Project in 1984. It has grown to a 155-acre Park that includes a museum, a gift shop, pavilions, picnic areas and four miles of hiking trails. The private facility, which receives no ongoing federal or state funding, is supported by donations and grants. The Park is free to the public and open 24/7/365. Today, The Highground is the largest manned Veterans Park in the nation.
CLICK HERE to jump to their website.
Also, look at Northwoods National Cemetery, a Federally run cemetery in Harshaw, Wisconsin (Near Minocqua). Click HERE for the Veterans Administration cemeteries website.
The calculator allows veterans to enter their disabilities and ratings, then provides a combined disability rating as well as what the 2024 VA monthly payment should be. VeteransGuide.org is an initiative founded by the Disability Advocate Group, LLC, a Delaware incorporated entity, dedicated to championing the cause of U.S. armed forces veterans. [from the website]
"As Legion Family Members we are more likely to encounter a veteran who needs support than the general public. And we could Be the One person who is able to steer that veteran to the help/services they so desperately need." [Sean Patchin, WI 3 District Commander]
Collaboration with Wisconsin Department of Vterans Affairs regarding "Outdoors Access for All" program. This program facilitates access to nature with their fleet of all-terrain outfoor wheelchairs (OWCs) and enclosed trailers for individual and organizational use.