This might be the most important section of this website. Each issue contains, in one place, what we've done, what we're going to do, the monthly Commander's Column, the Auxiliary President's Message and Sons of the American Legion News. There are discussions about the membership levels of these groups and what steps are being taken to improve our membership renewal and new member numbers. Articles by the Public Relations Chair and Historian appear here. Our Brats & Burgers events dates are listed, in addition to dates of our meetings. Our Chaplains post thoughtful and spiritual articles about becoming better people. Don't forget to look at our sponsors' ads. Our sponsors are a vital part of the well-being of Post 501. Once the meetings and events are over, we remove them soon after from the Events Calendar. So, the newletters are essential cover-to-cover reading.
This Year's Newsletters
March 2024 Corned Beef & Cabbage Dinner, March 9, 3:00pm till sold out or 6:00 pm (Commander's column page 2 and page 4)
February 2024 We will be voting at our February 14 meeting for "Volunteer of the Year" and Legionnaire of the Year." (page 3).
January 2024 We will vote at our next monthly member meeting for "Volunteer of the Year" and "Legionnaire of the Year." (page 4)
December 2023 In 2023, Post 501 donated $6,200 to proven American Legion Auxiliary, American Legion and Marine Toys for Tots programs such as Middleton VA Hospital, Badger Honor Flight, Veteran's & Families Assistance Fund, Homeless Female Veterans Grant Fund, Veteran's Affairs & Rehabilitation, Children & Youth, The National Auxiliary Emergency Fund, and Camp American Legion.
November 2023 BSA Post 628 did a great job replacing the paving stones around our flagpole. Free brats at 501 on November 4th.
October 2023 This issue has information on Post 501's garage sale October 19-20.
September 2023 This issue has a great photo of our Auxiliary Unit 501 volunteers at the July 29 Brat & Burgers Fundraiser.
July-August 2023 This issue presents great photos of the new Auxiliary Officers and Post Officers.
June 2023 This issue includes information about our Post 501 Scholarship Program. The application deadline is 1 July 2023!
May 2023 This issue has information about our AED unit and training. (AED = Automated External Defibillator)
April 2023 This issue has scholarship and AED information. "Benefits in Vulnerability? – Absolutely"
March 2023 Announcing the Annual Post elections on 11 May 2023 and scholarship information.
February 2023 Mentions our Post Breakfast and voting for Legionnaire of the Year and Volunteer of the Year.
January 2023 Two burial plots, Toys for Tots summary, Post Saturday Breakfast, and scholarship information. Condolences to the families of George Gosda and PDC Adalbert "Bud" Mautz. "How to chase joy during the gloom of winter."