Our members would like to know more about about each other. Sure, we have the 3CD (Cards, Camaraderie, Coffee and Donuts) once monthly on the third Thursday. But not every member is available to show up. So, we've created this Member Spotlight section for members to tell us something interesting about themselves. Items that are of general interested Legionwide are added to the "Legiontown Articles." Our current spotlight interviewer is Seán Patchin.
Terry Ruehlow (May 16, 2024 - Seán Patchin)
The newest member of our Severson-Cairns American Legion Post 501 Family is Terry Ruehlow, a Navy veteran who served in the territorial waters of Vietnam during that conflict. Terry enlisted in the Navy in 1963 and served both active-duty and in the reserves until 1969. He had a few different jobs working on aircraft carriers. He started out working on the catapults that are used to launch fighters and says the job is not as glamorous as Top Gun made it look. In civilian life after the war, he worked for the state of Wisconsin in their shipping and mailing department, working his way up to supervisor of the department when he retired after 34 years of state service. Terry and his wife, Jane, have been married for over 54 years. They had a son and a daughter. Sadly, they lost their daughter about 10 years ago. She left behind an infant son who Terry and Jane are now raising. Welcome aboard, Terry! We’re glad to have you in our post.
Meet the Kromanakers - Foundation Member Spotlight
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