
Severson-Cairns Post 501, The American Legion


BSA Troop 628 sought a project that would benefit an American Legion Post and that would involve some construction. They chose Severson-Cairns Post 501 in Madison, Wisconsin. The project involved a significant amount of manual excavation, base sand replacement and leveling, and flagstone cutting and fitting. The project spanned a few weeks, from 23 September to 6 October 2023. Parental assistance was on hand to guide the task and to handle power tools when appropriate. The result was top-notch! In fact, the scouts helped us on 30 SEP with our Brat & Burger fundraiser as order takers, runners and cashiers! Later, on 11 OCT, Issac, captain of this project, presented a slide show of the various stages to our members at our October monthly meeting. At this meeting, he accepted our Certificate of Appreciation.  1st Vice Commander Phil Ingwell presented the award. Job well done!!

The Eagle Scout Rock Project

Getting started.

Getting started!

Kris Scholten (red gloves) and Kristina Jones start distributing the base sand.

Everyone pitches in. Kristina uses the rubber mallet to set the flagstone.

Post 501's Harvey Phillips checks out the progress.

Taking one of the few breaks are (l-r) Kristina Jones, Kris Scholten, and Harvey Phillips.


Kris and a 'barrowful of base sand.


Adam after dumping his load of base sand.

Nick Jones cuts the stone to size.

(l-r) Nick Klauer, Isaac, Sam Sibley, Tyler, Noah, Adam, Jason Jones, Katrina Jones, Gabriel and Kris Scholten. 

(l-r) Keith Lovell, Gabriel, Jerry Schultz, Isaac, Tyler, Noah, Adam, Kris Scholten.


The project is done and looks great!


The "rock" has never looked so good.

Isaac presents his slide show and tells us about the project.

1VC Ingwell presents Isaac with our Certificate of Appreciation as Nick Klauer looks on.