The American Legion sponsors, under one of the American Legion’s four pillars - that of Children and Youth. Numerous opportunities for young people to earn valuable funds to assist in meeting the escalating costs of higher education need to be provided for. What follows here are summaries of some of the programs that Post 501 is directly involved in, through the fund raising efforts of the Post Legionnaires and Auxiliary members.
The Madison American Legion Post 501 is now offering a scholarship program in house, for up to three scholarships per Legion year. Our scholarship intends to offer up to $500 to high school/GED graduates, who have an acceptance by either a two year community college and/or a full university program into a career enhancing educational experience. There is an application process which is needed to verify the potential award. Applicants must have a family member of our Legion Family Post/Unit/Squadron 501 for eligibility. Simply contact a member of the American Legion Family at Post 501, Madison, WI, or go to the “CONTACT US” tab at the end of our website; let us know of your interest. As it stands currently, this scholarship (3 per school year) is intended for members of the Post 501 American Legion family - the children/step, grandchildren, who are planning of attending higher education following graduation/GED from High School. Education may be earned at a two year community college and/or full 4 year program at a University/college of student’s choice, along with acceptance from the supporting school. Applications need to be received not later than July 1st, preceding to the beginning of the Fall school term. Special Note - a contribution can be made “IN THE NAME OF -”, say a parent or grandparent, or other family member who made an impact on a child. If so desired, this contribution could be reflected in the post Newsletter, or in any acceptable manner.
For those who have served in our American military, you know how important it is to strive to achieve the highest potential in a young person’s life. Sometimes these goals of higher formal education can be limited based upon funding. It is for that reason that our American Legion Post 501 wishes to support these dreams of our youth. Therefore, we seek your assistance in generating scholarship funds, up to $1,500 is needed each year, at today’s current options. If you could assist in this fund raising, Post 501 would appeal to you for any level of donation which you would be willing to provide. Be assured that the funds will be segregated into a separate, fenced account, until distributed to a deserving youth. Any amount is welcome - $5, $15, $25, etc. You can make your donation anonymously; although credit in your name is also an option, based simply upon your wishes. Please help these deserving youths an opportunity to reach their dreams for a better life.
Click here to check out the Department of Wisconsin's "Oratorical and Other Scholarships" offerings as of 13 June 2023.
American Legion 2019 Post 501 Youth Programs and Scholarships.