
Severson-Cairns Post 501, The American Legion


Post 501 FAQs

Q. Who designed the Armed Services arrangement on the front of the Post 501 building?

A. The symbolic display was created by David Hoeft and Tom Stolarczyk. They obtained and installed the American Legion emblem surrounded by the five major branches along with our memorial to those missing in action.

Q. What do you serve at the Brat and Burger fund raisers?

A. Johnsonville brats, hamburgers, cheeseburgers, vegetarian burgers, carbonated drinks, assorted chips.

Q. Do you accept credit card payments?

A. Yes.

Q. Is the American Legion a 501(c)(3) organization?

A. The American Legion and its posts qualify as 501(c)(19) organizations. The American Legion is a not-for-profit veteran service organization chartered and incorporated by Congress in 1919. Similarly, the Auxiliary and Sons of the American Legion may qualify. For more specific information, visit https://www.irs.gov/charities-non-profits/other-non-profits/veterans-organizations

Q. The sliding banners don't display on my PC.

A. Try another web browser, such as FireFox, Opera or Safari. This is often due to browsers that do not support animation or slider features.

Q. How do I subscribe to your Post 501 Weekly Notice?

A. Go to the bottom of the HOME page. Click on the "Add me to THE WEEKLY mailings" link and fill in the easy signup form.